Intensive In-Home services for Children/Adolescents under age 21 are intensive, time-limited interventions provided typically but not solely in the residence of a child who is at risk of being moved into an out-of-home placement or who is being transitioned to home from out-of-home placement due to documented clinical needs of the child.

Individuals receiving Intensive In-Home (IIH) Services must have the functional capability to understand and benefit from the required activities and counseling of this service. These services are rehabilitative and are intended to improve the individual’s functioning. It is unlikely that individuals with severe cognitive and developmental delays/impairments would clinically benefit and meet the service eligibility.


Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria on a continuing or intermittent basis: Must meet two of the following:

  • Children/adolescents MUST be 5-20 years.
  • Have difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of hospitalization or out-of-home placement because of conflicts with family or community.
  • Children/adolescents must demonstrate a clinical necessity arising from conditions due to mental, behavioral, or emotional illness that impair major life activities.
  • Children/adolescents who exhibit such inappropriate behavior that repeated interventions by the mental health, social services, or judicial system are necessary.
  • Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or recognize significantly inappropriate social behavior. For example is at risk for acting out in such a fashion that will cause serious harm to themselves or others.